List of Error Codes - VisionR700
- The error codes from 1 to 10 concern system/USB driver defects.
- The error codes in 100 relate to defects in the update, the connection to SIS, the records, the logs, etc.
- The error codes in 1000 relate to defects in the machine power supply, errors related to the use of the products, the CLUFF (EULA), the printer, etc.
- The error codes in 2000 concern defects in the operation of the refraction part, complementary lenses, SCV modules, PD, convergence, Vertex images, etc.
- The error codes in 2500 relate to defects related to the console.
The list of error codes is available in SIS. Errors will be displayed in SIS in English if SIS is configured in a language other than those mentioned above. It is possible that some errors have not yet been properly integrated into SIS. In this case it is displayed as an [Undocumented error].
Codes Labels
- Err1 Got error while writing file
- Err2 Got error while reading file
- Err3 An error occured during the execution of the process
- Err4 Serial number is invalid
- Err5 A conflict between serial numbers has been detected
- Err6 No usb key
- Err7 Cannot write the usb key
- Err8 An USB error occured
- Err100 Missing information for registering
- Err101 The customer shoud be in install mode
- Err102 The machine is already registered to an another customer
- Err103 Got an error while uploading version
- Err104 Internal error while registering
- Err105 Device not registered
- Err106 SIS return an error code
- Err107 webservice while communication with SIS
- Err108 Download failed
- Err109 Bad file checksum
- Err110 Update aborted
- Err111 Failed to install
- Err112 Registering is done
- Err113 Logs has been uploaded manually
- Err114 SIS not initialized
- Err115 Remote control failed
- Err116 Registering informations are not correct
- Err117 Incompatible Update with your product
- Err118 Installation date does not meet client installation schedule
- Err1000 You shoud put numbers in customerID and subsidiairy ID
- Err1001 Error on optotype protocol
- Err1003 Communication error with com port
- Err1005 Failed to communicate with CBOX
- Err1006 Failed to execute request
- Err1007 Keyboard is disconnected
- Err1008 Can't print
- Err1009 Pd is out of range
- Err1010 Vertex is out of range
- Err1011 The value is out of range
- Err1012 Binoculare balance can't be set
- Err1013 Sphere equivalent value is out of range
- Err1014 Sphere value is out of range
- Err1015 Cylinder value is out of range
- Err1016 Add value is out of range
- Err1017 Cylinder value, relative to the current sphere value, is out of range.
- Err1018 Prism value is out of range
- Err1019 Total sphere value is out of range
- Err1020 Total cylinder value is out of range
- Err1021 Total prism value is out of range
- Err1022 Total cylinder value, relative to the current sphere value, is out of range.
- Err1023 Error due to eye locked
- Err1024 Pinholefilters are incompatible with prims
- Err1025 Too small PD : cannot be adjusted for distance
- Err1026 Please start the measurement again and make sure the instructions have been understood
- Err1027 The test failed, please try again
- Err1028 Maximal visual acuity reached
- Err1029 Unknown test
- Err1030 Warning: ans is not coherent
- Err1031 An internal error occured
- Err1032 Usb key non detected
- Err1033 Error during import/export
- Err1034 Incoherent answers. Please check that the conditions and the instructions have been followed. To continue press (Cancel), to restart or change the test press (Ok).
- Err1035 Too far from the starting point. Check that the conditions and the instructions have been correctly followed.
- Err1036 Close to be too far from starting point . Check that the conditions and the instructions have been correctly followed. To continue press (Cancel). To restart or change the test press (Ok).
- Err1038 Can't write serial number in device
- Err1039 Error while applying screensaver configuration
- Err1042 Failed to start device upgrade
- Err1043 Failed to generate optotype
- Err1044 Failed to complete upgrade
- Err1045 Update install is corrupted. Return to old version
- Err1046 Essibox name is not configured in settings
- Err1047 EULA status is not signed ou refused
- Err1048 Essibox need to be updated
- Err1049 Impossible to get EULA status signing
- Err1050 Essibox have to connected to get EULA signing status
- Err1051 In order to use your product we invite you to review the end user license agreement. You must log on then connect your Essibox to the internet and restart it and restart the Vision R
- Err1052 Essibox is unreachable, the data will not be exported. Please check network
- Err1053 The test can't be sent because the cumul of prisms is impossible
- Err1054 Online
- Err1055 Offline
- Err1056 A fault on the electric network has been detected. The product must be reset.Validate to launch the initialization of the movements or click on the cross to cancel. If the fault persists, please contact your dealer.
- Err1057 A fault on the electric network has been detected. The product must be reset.Validate to launch the initialization of the movements or click on the cross to cancel. If the fault persists, please contact your dealer.
- Err1063 Too far from the starting point. Check that the conditions and the instructions have been correctly followed.
- Err1064 Close to be too far from starting point . Check that the conditions and the instructions have been correctly followed. To continue press (Cancel). To restart or change the test press (Ok).
- Err1067 This File is not compatible with your product
- Err1068 User accept product switching
- Err1069 User reject product switching
- Err1070 A Vision-R 700 refraction head has been detected. Do you want to configure your power supply to allow connection.?This will clear the test banks and may change the configuration settings
- Err1071 Communication has failed with the chart screen
- Err1072 The chart screen can't displayed this content
- Err1074 Communication error with power module
- Err1082 The system detected a version of the head that requires the power supply to reset. This will clear the test banks and may change the configuration settings. Validate to continue.
- Err1083 Imported PD are out of range. Imported value have be adjusted
- Err1084 Some options has actived or désactived. Reboot is required to apply changes.
- Err1090 The configuration of your product is not at the same level with head connected refraction (Vision-S 800). Do you want to upgrade your power supply ? This will clear the test banks and may change the configuration settings
- Err1093 The system detected a version of the head that requires the power supply to reset. This will clear the test banks and may change the configuration settings. Validate to continue.
- Err2000 Failed to apply the target value on the right eye module. Please contact the technical support if the problem persists.
- Err2001 Failed to apply the target value on the left eye module. Please contact the technical support if the problem persists.
- Err2002 Failed to apply the right eye filter. Please contact the technical support if the problem persists.
- Err2003 Failed to apply the left eye filter. Please contact the technical support if the problem persists.
- Err2004 Failed to move the PD. Please contact the technical support if the problem persists.
- Err2005 Defect in the LED Vertex.
- Err2006 Defect in LED horizontality / near vision
- Err2007 Turn the jogger to leave the protection mode.
- Err2008 Refract Head disconnected. Setpoints will be effective at the next connection.
- Err2009 Refract Head not connected. Target values will be set at the next connection.
- Err2010 An error occured while setting the product information.
- Err2011 Camera defect. The glass/eye distance cannot be estimated or the working distance cannot be automatically detected.
- Err2012 Online
- Err2013 Offline
- Err2014 Integrity error of the right eye module.
- Err2015 Integrity error of the left eye module.
- Err2016 Application of target values for the right eye module exceeded the time limit.
- Err2017 Application of target values for the left eye module exceeded the time limit.
- Err2018 Failed to update the right eye module.
- Err2019 Failed to update the left eye module.
- Err2020 Failed to update the complementary right disk.
- Err2021 Failed to update the complementary left disk.
- Err2022 Failed tu update the head structure.
- Err2023 The right eye module has been successfully updated.
- Err2024 The left eye module has been successfully updated.
- Err2025 The right disk has been successfully updated.
- Err2026 The left disk has been successfully updated.
- Err2027 The head structure has been successfully updated.
- Err2028 The head version number has been changed.
- Err2029 Mechanical resistance of the right sphere.
- Err2030 Mechanical resistance of the right cylinder.
- Err2031 Mechanical resistance of the right cylinder.
- Err2032 Mechanical resistance of the left sphere.
- Err2033 Mechanical reistance of the left cylinder.
- Err2034 Mechanical reistance of the left cylinder.
- Err2035 Failed to initialize the right eye module.
- Err2036 Failed to initialize the left eye module.
- Err2037 Failed to initialize the right disk.
- Err2038 Failed to initialize the left disk.
- Err2039 Failed to initialize PD and convergence.
- Err2040 Communication error with left eye module.
- Err2041 Communication error with right eye module.
- Err2042 Communication error with left disk.
- Err2043 Communication error with right disk.
- Err2044 Communication error with the structure.
- Err2049 Cannot set the left prism target value.
- Err2050 Cannot set the right prism target value.
- Err2051 The right spherical power is out of range.
- Err2052 The left spherical power is out of range.
- Err2053 Failed to read the camera data.
- Err2054 Problem on the right sphere.
- Err2055 Problem on the right cylinder.
- Err2056 Problem on the right cylinder.
- Err2057 Problem on the left sphere.
- Err2058 Problem on the left cylinder.
- Err2059 Problem on the left cylinder.
- Err2060 Application of target value (PD or convergence) on the structure exceeded the time limit.
- Err2061 Application of target values for the right eye module exceeded the time limit.
- Err2062 Application of target values for the left eye module exceeded the time limit.
- Err2063 Application of target value on the right disc exceeded the time limit.
- Err2064 Application of target value on the left disc exceeded the time limit.
- Err2065 Mechanical resistance of PD motor
- Err2066 Error of PD motor
- Err2067 Mechanical resistance of convergence motor
- Err2068 Error of convergence motor
- Err2070 Error on complementary disk 1 motor
- Err2072 Error on complementary disk 2 motor
- Err2074 Error on prism 1 motor
- Err2076 Error on prism 2 motor
- Err2077 Application of target values for the right eye module exceeded the time limit.
- Err2078 Application of target values for the left eye module exceeded the time limit.
- Err2079 Script update has failed
- Err2080 Script update was succeeds
- Err2081 Script update has modified device parameters
- Err2082 The recalibration process has exceed the time limit
- Err2083 The racalibrating process has occured on right disc
- Err2084 The racalibrating process has occured on left disc
- Err2085 Failed to recalibrate the right disk.
- Err2086 Failed to recalibrate the left disk.
- Err2087 The right disk has been successfully updated.
- Err2088 The left disk has been successfully updated.
- Err2100 Reset USB Head
- Err2500 Online
- Err2501 Offline
- Err2502 The keyboard is disconnected
- Err2503 Failed to update the keyboard
- Err2504 The keyboard has been successfully updated
- Err2505 The version number of the keyboard has been modified
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